CP 2816 to Pull Excursion in Illinois

A public excursion pulled by Canadian Pacific 4-6-4 No. 2816 will operate in Illinois on June 29 over the Iowa Interstate Railroad.

The excursion from Silvis to Bureau Junction will be a fundraising event used to promote railroad safety.

It is being sponsored by the Railroading Heritage of Midwest America and the Central States Steam Preservation Association.

It will be the only public excursion pulled by the 2916 during its “Final Spike Tour” of Canada, the United States and Mexico to celebrate the merger of CP and Kansas City Southern to form Canadian Pacific Kansas City.

Sponsors said it is the first public excursion featuring the 2816, also known as the Empress, in more than a decade.

The excursion will feature former Union Pacific streamliner era passenger cars now owned by RRHMA and former Pennsylvania Railroad P-70 open window coaches owned by Iowa Interstate.

Fares are $149 for adults and $89 for children in the streamlined cars, and $129 for adults and $79 for children in the open window cars. Ticket sales to the public are expected to begin soon at rrhma.com.

RRHMA maintains a shop in Silvis that was once operated by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific.

The 2816 is slated to spend a few days in Silvis receiving maintenance, including a boiler wash.

News reports indicated that CPKC recently decided to extend the 2816’s visit to Mexico by six days and thus a schedule announced previously for its return to Calgary is no longer valid.

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